Mill Road, Nawada, Ara, Bhojpur, Bihar.



The School Rules  & Regulations

A:- Code of Conduct.

1.         B.S. DAV Public School provides education from LKG to Class VIII. Therefore, it is expected that juniors are treated with care and affection by their seniors while they show due respect to their seniors.

2.         All students are expected to greet their school teachers when they meet them whether they actually teach them or not.

3.         Changing of classrooms between periods should be done in an orderly manner and silently. Students should not unnecessarily leave their class at the end of every period.

4.         Students are expected to respect school property. No student should damage any school furniture, write or draw anything on desks & walls or in any way damage things belonging to others. Any school property damage even by accident should be reported at once to the class teacher or to the Principal.

5.         Bringing, Borrowing and lending of money or other articles is not allowed in school.

6.         No books/articles (other then text books or library books) should be brought to the school.

7.         Plucking or spoiling of flowers / leaves from plants not allowed.

8.         Any material / articles which can cause harm to others are not allowed.

9.         Bullying, use of abusive and foul language, rowdy or violent behavior in any form are punishable offences.

10.        Students indulging in any form of violence or destructive activities will face disciplinary action as decided by the school authorities.

11.        Under no conditions students are allowed to bring mobiles / smart / wrist watches to the school. If confiscated, it will not be returned.

12.        Students are advised to keep their class room, school building and campus as clean as possible and throw leftover into dustbins. Littering school premises with wrappers, papers, or polythene bag not allowed.

13.        No students shall indulge in any of the following practices:-

o    Spitting in or near the school building.

o    Disfiguring or damaging property.

o    Rowdism and rude behavior.

o    Use of violence in any form

o    Casteism , communalism or practice of untouchability

o    Any other against the school rules and regulation of discipline.

14.        Students using unfair means during examination will face disciplinary action.

15.        A student found co-operating or indulging in any act of violence committed by other students which harm any student physically or mentally would also face disciplinary action including expulsion /suspension.

16. 75% attendance is must before every exam to make them eligible to sit for examination.

17. No attendance would be given to a student during the period of suspension.

18. Bursting of crackers and playing with colours and any other such unwanted activity is liable to lead to suspension expulsion of a student from the school.

19. Self-discipline is the forte of the school.

B. Guidelines for Parents / Guardians:-

Parents should carry out their responsibilities as educator in instilling in their children respect and strict obedience for all school rules and regulations.

I- Uniform :-    Students should come to school in complete school uniform from the first day itself. Please ensure the proper summer & winter school uniform pattern from the almanac (School diary). House dress on the day of house should also be ensured. Please ensure that your ward(s) come to school neatly dressed with properly hair combed, polished shoes and school ID card daily.

II-  Almanac (School Diary) :-   Almanac is the means of communication between teachers & parents. So, parents are requested to go through their ward(s) school diary regularly and sign the teacher’s remark, if any. Parents are requested to acknowledge the circular sent from school in the column provided in school diary. Parents are also requested to use the “Leave Record / Absence” form in the diary when applying for leave as explaining the absence of their children.

III – PTM & Individual Meetings:-  Parents are not permitted to meet teachers during school hours. In special cases, parents may be allowed to meet the teacher with prior permission from the Principal/Academic In-Charge between 7:45 am to 8:00 am from Monday to Saturday. Parents can meet Principal between 9:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. on every working day.  Parents-Teacher Meeting should be regularly attended to discuss the performance and progress of the child.

IV – School Gate (Arrival & Departure):- Parents should ensure the drop & pick of their ward(s) on time. School gate will be closed once the scheduled time of entry is over as per school time table. No student will be allowed to enter school after the time at any cost except the students using the school bus facility. If under certain circumstances pedestrian students are allowed to enter the school, then will not be allowed to attend 1st period, so you are requested to ensure the arrival of your ward on time.

            Early departure of students, from school will not be entertained and allowed. During emergency, proper valid reason with application should be placed in front of school authorities to seek early departure.

V- Change of Address & Phone Number: - Parents are requested to inform the school if there is any change in their address / telephone number, so that we can contact you in case of any emergency.

VI – Mobile Phones/ Electronic Gadgets / Wrist Watch etc.:-  Any sort of electronic gadgets/ mobile phones / wrist watch etc. are not allowed in the school . If any student caught with such items, items will be confiscated and will not be returned and heavy fine will be imposed.

VII – Academics:-

§  Parents must check that the child carries Books/ Note Books according to the time table daily.

§  Children should do their homework by themselves unless they require some guidance.

§  In case home work has not been completed by the due date then it should be communicated clearly to the class teacher with reason that why the work has not been done.

§  For the best result parents must motivate and support their child establish a proper study area. Home work and class work must be checked as priority on daily basis.

§  Encourage your wards to read good books or play good games, instead of viewing T.V. and mobile. Please ensure that your ward(s)  do not bring any objectionable books, magazine, pictures or any other material that may violate the disciplinary norms of the school. Otherwise the same will be destroyed in the presence of students.

§  Encourage your ward(s) to take a balanced interest in studies, co-curricular activities and sports.

§  Criticism of a teacher or any other staff of a school in presence of a child must be scrupulously avoided as it causes students to lose respect for their teacher & staff with the consequent failure to learn from her/him, thus retarding the child’s progress.

VIII – Tiffin: - Parents are requested to refrain from giving regular pocket money to their ward. Give home cooked food to your ward(s) in Tiffin. The school has a system of fruit break for junior classes. You are requested to ensure that the child carries at least one fruit every day. Junk food packed not allowed. Students to carry their own water bottle and lunch. Sharing of water  bottle and lunch is not allowed. 

IX - Attendance: -        Parents should ensure for their ward(s) to complete 75% attendance before every exam to make them eligible to sit for the examination.

X - Health / Safety & Security :-

§  Both parents and students to strictly follow all generic preventive measures laid down in the standard operating procedure issued by ministry of Health and family welfare in this regards.

§  Use of Mask & sanitizer is mandatory.

§  Self-monitoring of health by students and parents is essential. The student should not come to school even in case of minor illness. In case of prolonged or infections illness, the student will have to furnish a fitness certificate on the day he / she join back.

§  Gate – you are suppose to send your ward at least 10 minutes before the school timing so that we can monitor your ward properly and give proper attention towards safety & security of your ward(s) . It is observed that students who are using tempo or his/her own mode, come to school early than scheduled time of the school. For safety & security, parents are requested to avail school transport for to and fro of your ward.

XI- Tuition Fee: -   Parents are requested to pay monthly tuition fee on time. If a parent fails to pay tuition fee for 02 months continuously, his / her name will be struck off from attendance register. He / she will have to take re-enrollment. However, Quarterly, Half yearly or Annually fee can be deposited in Advance.(Refer school diary for more details.)

XII- Communication: - Students need to speak in English in the school campus or in bus.

XIII- Bus Rules :-

·         Bus facility cannot be provided unless the application for it is submitted well in advance.

·         As the petrol/diesel prices have increased tremendously and transportation fee has not be raised Since Last few years. Being compelled to do so to reduce the cost incurred on transportation a hike in transport fee from July 2022 to Rs 100/-per Stoppage. Please bear with us.

·         In case, you have to pick up your ward personally, Please ensure that an application in writing is submitted at the school latest by morning of the day of the pickup. If your ward travels to come from school in a Private van, Please ensure that driver and conductor have a valid license & possess police verification documents.

·         Transport charges are to be paid for only eleven months in one academic year. No request to discontinue the bus facility will be entertained during the academic year.

·         Parents are requested to escort their ward/s to the bus stoppage in the morning to board the bus and reach the stoppage 5 minutes earlier to take their ward/s.

·         Those parents / guardians who are availing transport facility from outside they are requested to take school transport facility for safety concern.


Parents and Guardians are kindly requested to refer the school diary for the following mentioned  points:-

C.         Guidelines for Students                                                D.         Admission Rules

E.         Withdrawal / TC Rules                                                    F.         Leave Rules

G.        School Uniform                                                               H.        Promotion Rules

I.          Library Rules                                                                   J.         Fee Payment Rules

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